Monday 21 August 2017

The first experience

The first experience of anything is unforgettable whether it proves to be pleasant or unpleasant. The rookie never feels lazy or tired for the first time he does something. There are many things that we all have done for the first time and obviously that feel cannot be felt again ever. Activities like first day of school, first kiss, first salary and all other firsts that we can only experience once in a lifetime. The society have numerous words for the first timers like beginner, fresher, naive, amateur, etc. But we know that they are the "man who can". 
Moreover,  none of us can forget the first time we did something through the photographs or memories. We collect them because we want that moment to be with us forever. Its very pleasing to recall those moments, sometimes embarrassing but we love those times. People rarely try new things on a regular basis as they stick to their choices because their first time was joyful. However, they miss a lot of things to try in their life like excursions, cuisines, clothes and everything else.  
As per my first times are concerned, the list is never ending. I try to try atleast one thing daily. It could be anything like tasting wasabi, a new TV series, bringing a smile on my parents faces by doing something new. It could be anything. So, as per my opinion is concerned, I would like the readers to try something new or first time in their lives on a daily basis because it doesn't matter how it results but it assures that you have done it and one step ahead of others.

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